Kubernetes tutorial

Author: Vicente Herrera - @v1z3n
Level: Intermediate
Language: English
Prerequisites: Basic knowledge in containers and Kubernetes
Knowledge to learn: Kubernetes Azure AKS Terraform Helm Prometheus Grafana Skaffold


I built this tutorial when joining Sysdig to showcase my knowledge in containers, Kubernetes and cloud.

As usual, it has grown old, for example it mentions Helm v2, including the Tiller component, where at the time of writing this updated intro v3 is out that doesn’t require Tiller. Also, there are many improvements listed on each section, for ideas about how to improve the tutorial.

Tools used in the tutorial:


Kubernetes tutorial
0. Getting started
1. Prerequisites
2. Initial Azure resources setup
3. Provision infrastructure with Terraform
4. Get credentials
5. Installing Prometheus and Grafana using Helm
6. Deploy microservices with Skaffold
7. Terminate and free resources
Appendix: Troubleshooting